Royal Parks Half Marathon Own Place Registration
Fields marked with an * are required

If you have your own place for the Royal Parks Half Marathon, and would like to run for Prostate Cancer Research, please fill out the form below and you can become a fully fledged member of #TeamPCR with all the benefits!

I have my own place in the Royal Parks Half Marathon 2021 *



Date of Birth *
What is your t-shirt size? *


staying in touch

We would like to keep you updated about our work. In order to do so we need to know how you would like us to communicate with you. Please mark your opt-in preferences:

How would you like us to contact you? *
What would you like to receive? *

Please visit our website to read our Privacy Statement and Terms and Conditions or contact us directly to request a copy.

You can set up your Just Giving page for the Royal Parks Half Marathon 2021 and get started with your fundraising already by following the link below!
Create Page

Event Details

Event Date

11 April 2021

Applications Close:




Event Website:

Click here

Application process

Fill out the registration form

This confirms your place on #TeamPCR immediately.

Welcome to the team!

Amy, our Community Fundraising Officer, will send you your welcome pack with a fundraising guide, t-shirt and sponsorship form and you can get started with your training and fundraising.

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