Need Motivation?

Follow these 7 tips to get started!

The hardest thing with anything is starting. This barrier is often worse when it comes to sport and exercise so here are a few ways to help solve that problem.

1. Set a goal

Choose a fundraising challenge you want to do and set a reasonable time frame to achieve it. This doesn’t have to be a large goal, smaller, more manageable goals are often the best way to keep motivated. For instance, having a goal for each session so that you know what you want to achieve before you go out can be the most effective way to reach your targets.

2. Join a group

Whether it is running, walking, or cycling, there are plenty of groups out there to join. Whether you are a beginner, or have been doing it for years, you will find people at the same level as you.

It is a great way to catch up with friends whilst getting in the miles. Going with others will help you to go out for longer and further without realizing; you will motivate each other and before you know it, you will be going for miles!

3. Track your progress

Many apps now exist that allow you to track how far you have gone, whilst breaking down your speed and distance. This is an easy way to effectively watch your progress. They track your personal bests and enable you to see your improvements over time. You will soon be racing to beat your own times!

4. Remember the benefits

Whilst you are running, remember why you are doing it, is it in aid of a charity or to just help you improve your health? But, always keep that in the back of your mind in order to help you to keep moving forwards.

5. Reward Yourself

Adding rewards at the end of each session will help you stick to your goals. For example, if you get a faster time you can treat yourself to your favorite food or watch your favorite program. Make sure you look after your body too by rewarding yourself to massages and buying yourself new kit. This not only helps you feel more comfortable, but you also have a reason to want to go out and try your new kit.

6. Mix it up

Don’t always do the same routes. Try changing things up by going out with new people and doing different distances and routes. This will both help you to run further, and look forward to exploring new places. If you always run or cycle on the road maybe try going off road and changing things up, you never know you may find you prefer it! Just check you have the right kit for the job first.

7. Even a short burst helps

If you are struggling for time, just pop out for a 10 minute run or cycle. It still helps and will make you feel better afterward. If you go out for a short time, make sure you give your all. Putting everything into it may mean you get the same out of a short burst as you would out of a longer one.

Now all you have to do is start! After reading these tips we hope you take the plunge and go for it, and remember to look forward to the rewards at the end. Choosing to do sport or exercise for a charity provides the extra bonus of knowing any sponsorship and achievement is going to a great cause. It will keep your mind on track and help you to achieve your goals and motivate you to keep going.

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