Prostate Cancer Research (PCR) and CellCentric are delighted to announce a new collaborative partnership focused on creating a new patient-focused information and engagement program for people affected by prostate cancer.
CellCentric has provided an educational grant to PCR to help us better understand the prostate cancer patient journey and support the development of PCR’s new patient program, which aims to engage people with prostate cancer in the latest research and clinical developments within universities and industry.
Through this new patient information and engagement program, PCR aims to ensure that our patient community is informed, connected and empowered. This new digital platform will enable people to easily and freely access clear and concise information on the latest developments in prostate cancer research. It will also enable patients to engage with this research by providing insights from their own lived experiences. In doing so, we aim to ensure that the drugs of the future are developed with the patient’s quality of life impact as a top priority.
“We are delighted to provide support to Prostate Cancer Research's patient program. Being patient-orientated is really important, it keeps us focused on what we are doing and why we do it, particularly now we have transitioned from research and into clinical development. We look forward to working further with Prostate Cancer Research, as well as other bodies that represent the voices of patients. Ultimately patients are at the heart of everything we do.
Will West
CEO of CellCentric
We know from our recently commissioned patient social research study that many people with prostate cancer are interested in finding out about the latest research and emerging treatments. We also know that some patients are keen to help ensure that those drugs and therapies are informed by their own insights, particularly when it comes to the quality of life impact and the realities of day-to-day treatments.
As part of this new partnership, PCR and CellCentric will pilot the new program by engaging people with lived experience of prostate cancer to provide feedback and insights into the development of CellCentric’s new drug that is currently undergoing clinical trials.
“Our latest social research patient study has shown us that the vast majority of patients want to help develop the next generation of therapies for people with prostate cancer. We are therefore excited to start work on creating this program that gives us an opportunity to ensure that new treatments are being developed with patients top of mind.
Oliver Kemp
CEO of Prostate Cancer Research
If you are interested in taking part in this new patient engagement program, either through completing an online survey or taking part in an online patient panel, please sign up here
In receiving this educational grant and partnering with CellCentric, neither PCR nor CellCentric are looking to induce or influence people with prostate cancer towards any product, nor are we endorsing its use.
CellCentric is a clinical stage biotechnology company that originally span out of the University of Cambridge and is focused on the development of the novel drug CCS1477 for specific cancers. It is developing CCS1477 for the large and growing population of prostate cancer patients that are unresponsive to second generation anti-hormonal drugs. CCS1477 is currently being trialed in patients with late stage, drug-resistant prostate cancer. This trial is entirely separate from any collaborative work with PCR and potential suitability for enrolment in a CCS1477 clinical trial will be made by oncologists at participating hospitals, and not by CellCentric nor PCR. Any advice on clinical study options should come from your general practitioner and/or oncologist.
An Educational Grant is funding provided by a company to an entity to support a bona fide, independent educational program, such as medical science or public health policy. The primary purpose of the support is the provision of a legitimate educational program. It should not be used as an opportunity to promote products, brands or business, and must not constitute an inducement to recommend, prescribe, purchase, supply, sell or administer specific medicinal products.