We want to fund the research that really matters to prostate cancer patients and our supporters. We're asking you to tell us what you think our priorities should be.
Update: This survey is now closed. See the results below.
Help us to Understand the Needs of Our Community
The PCR mission is to use science to transform prostate cancer research, transforming lives in the next generation of men. Together we can help develop and deliver breakthrough medicines and treatments, so they won’t need to fear a diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer.
Due to people living longer and better general health, more men will face a diagnosis of prostate cancer in the future. In fact, a 2016 study estimated that by 2035, prostate cancer will be the most common cancer in men.
While survival from prostate cancer is very high, almost all deaths from the disease result from advanced prostate cancer. We exist for those men.
There is an urgent need for more research, and we believe the most important research, the research which has the most meaning for men with advanced prostate cancer and their families, happens when the experiences of those directly affected by prostate cancer are combined with scientific expertise.
We are carrying out in-house research to strengthen our understanding of the needs of our community. We are inviting all of our supporters to fill in this short survey so we can learn what research you think we should fund, what support you think should be provided for men with prostate cancer and their families, and what information you would like us to provide. It should take no more than 5-10 minutes.
The survey will remain open until Wednesday, 2 January 2019.
The survey was also included with the November issue of our Lifeline Newsletter, and you can also contact us if you would prefer a paper copy and freepost envelope. If you are happy to do the survey online, it will save us time in processing and analyzing your results, though we will be very happy to receive your answers, however you prefer to send them.
If you would like to take part in future community-based research so that your experiences can influence what we do, you can register your details here.
In the future, we might like to speak with people who have been affected by prostate cancer in person or on the telephone, run focus groups, or design longer, more detailed surveys. If any travel is involved on your part, we will reimburse expenses. This is because although we are very careful about what we spend our money on, this is a very important opportunity for us to become even more patient- and supporter-focused and we would not want anyone to be out of pocket for helping us with this research.