Suggestions on how to make your fundraising better for the planet.
It is in everyone’s best interest to try and be greener and more conscious of the impact that single-use and wasteful activities have on us and our planet. Whilst big change needs to happen on a larger scale, there are habits we can start forming in our own lives that will help to reduce our individual ecological footprint!
These are habits we can also build into our fundraising, so we thought we would think up some suggestions for how to make your fundraising greener. If you have any of your own ideas, we would love to hear them too!
Avoid using single use plastics at your fundraising event.
Although it might require a bit more washing up, try to use reusable or biodegradable cups and cutlery to reduce waste at your event. You could also make recyclable decorations for the room, such as bunting, flowers and fabric banners.
Send out digital invitations.
Save paper and send out digital invitations via social media and email. You could even make these interactive, including links to a JustGiving page and to our website for more information about our research.
Use local or seasonal produce for catering.
If you’re providing food, try to shop local or use seasonal produce to avoid unnecessary air miles! If people are bringing food, try to co-ordinate with them so you don’t end up with too much.
Avoid wasteful activities at the event.
There are some classic activities which are guaranteed to bring in some donations! However, sometimes they can be quite wasteful, such as untouched raffle prizes! Why not shake things up and ask people for less wasteful prizes, such as baking a cake or offering to do odd jobs around the house.
You can also base your entire fundraising idea on trying to be greener! Here are some fundraising ideas which can raise vital funds for our research and help the planet.
Give it a second home
Sell clothes, books, old electronics, and household items rather than throwing them out, and donate profits to Prostate Cancer Research.
Do a sponsored litter pick or tree plant.
For however many trees you plant or pieces of litter you collect, your supporters will donate. For example, for every 10 trees you plant your supporter would donate $1.
Run a DIY up-cycling workshop
Are you good at making and creating? Sell tickets for and run a DIY workshop where people must bring items from home to repurpose.
Give something up to make you more green
Get sponsored to do something to help the planet, like going vegetarian or not using the car for a month!
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas for greener fundraising, so get in touch with us with your suggestions!